





中壢.平鎮.楊梅.龍潭.八德.蘆竹.桃園.龜山.新屋.大溪.大園.南崁.觀音.龍岡.埔心.內壢.山仔頂值得推薦的房屋二胎 房屋借錢 當日撥款喔! 新竹房屋二胎 新竹房屋二胎 竹北房屋二胎 新豐房屋二胎 湖口房屋二胎 新埔房屋二胎 竹東房屋二胎 芎林房屋二胎 關西房屋二胎 寶山房屋二胎 峨嵋房屋二胎 北埔房屋二胎 橫山房屋二胎 五峰房屋二胎 尖石房屋二胎 全省服務豐原房屋借款 西屯房屋借款 北屯房屋借款 南屯房屋借款 烏日房屋借款 大里房屋借款 沙鹿房屋借款 清水房屋借款 太平房屋借款 新社房屋借款 大雅房屋借款 大甲房屋借款 后里房屋借款 梧棲房屋借款 神岡房屋借款 龍井房屋借款 大肚房屋借款 石岡房屋借款 潭子房屋借款 外埔房屋借款 東勢房屋借款 霧峰房屋借款 和平房屋借款 東區房屋借款 南區房屋借款 西區房屋借款 北區房屋借款 中區房屋借款 全省房屋二胎三胎借款,土地借款 土地持分借款( 建地,農地,山坡地,林地及各種科目土地都可,持分也可以借款) 全省服務 土地一胎借款,二胎借款,三胎借款 台中.大安.大甲.外埔.清水.神岡.后里.東勢.梧棲.沙鹿.大雅.潭子.豐原.石岡.新社.龍井.西屯.北屯.大肚.南屯.西區.北區.東區.南區.太平.大里.烏日.霧峰.中區.和平.北投.士林.內湖.松山.中山區.大同區.中正區.信義區.大安區.文山區.萬華.南港.宜蘭.頭城.礁溪.壯圍.員山.羅東.五結.三星.冬山.蘇澳.大同.南澳.中壢.平鎮.楊梅.龍潭.八德.蘆竹.桃園.龜山.新屋.大溪.大園.南崁.觀音.龍岡.埔心.內壢.山仔頂.基隆.七堵.八堵.安樂.中山.仁愛.信義.中正.暖暖.五堵.新北市.烏來.三峽.新店.石碇.坪林.鶯歌.樹林.土城.新莊.板橋.中和.永和.深坑.平溪.雙溪.貢寮.瑞芳.汐止.三重.泰山.林口.八里.五股.蘆洲.淡水.三芝.萬里.石門.金山.新竹.竹北.竹東.新豐.關西.湖口.新埔.峨眉.尖石.五峰.橫山.芎林.北埔.寶山.高雄.楠梓.台南.永康.嘉義.彰化.南投.金門.台東.屏東.花蓮.澎湖.房屋二胎借款,房屋借款,二胎借款,當日撥款,急用借款,房屋三胎,急用借錢,低利貸款,低利借款,利息最低,房屋二胎,二胎增貸,土地借款,土地二胎,三胎借款,二胎,三胎,借款,貸款,增借,增貸,農地借款,農地二胎,持分,持分借款,房屋持分,土地持分,房屋貸款,房屋增貸,房屋增借,土地貸款,土地增貸201712114



2018-04-27 03:00

By Ann Maxon, Jason Pan and Shelley Shan / Staff reporters

A representative of the veterans’ group 800 Heroes yesterday apologized to the media and the public on behalf of demonstrators who attacked journalists and police officers during a protest that began on Wednesday and continued until early yesterday afternoon.

The group has formed a “picket team” to enforce discipline, said 800 Heroes spokesman Wu Sz-huai (吳斯懷), a retired lieutenant general.

However, people from other groups have been pretending to be 800 Heroes members and causing trouble, he said.

The protest turned violent on Wednesday afternoon when some of the demonstrators began attacking police officers and journalists.

In addition to breaking into the Legislative Yuan compound, some protesters clashed with police in front of National Taiwan University Children’s Hospital near the legislature, making it difficult for patients and ambulances to enter the hospital.

According to statistics provided by the Taipei City Government, a total of 16 journalists and 68 police officers were injured on Wednesday.

Many protesters also used tools to sabotage barbed wire barricades and the Legislature Yuan’s front gates.

Some journalists also had their smartphones and photographic equipment taken from them.

The list of injured journalists included those from the Chinese-language newspapers Apple Daily, China Times and Taiwan People News, the Central News Agency and Up Media, as well as television stations Next TV, ETtoday, Formosa TV, SET TV and CTI TV.

As of yesterday, 57 protesters had been detained by police, Taipei Police Department Deputy Director Huang Chi-tze (黃啟澤) said.

After reviewing videos and other evidence, police were able to identify nine of the detained protesters as the primary suspects.

Police have brought charges against the nine suspects for causing bodily harm, obstructing police officers in the discharge of their duties and other offenses, Huang said.

The cases have been transferred to the Taipei District Prosecutors’ Office, police said.

Social commentators Lucifer Chu (朱學恒) and Liu Bao-jie (劉寶傑) said on an EBC TV talk show that they had information suggesting that specific plans were in place to attack media outlets, codenamed “Operation Hunting Down Journalists,” by protesters who had received special operations training during their military service.

“Their aim was to stop any media coverage when storming the Legislative Yuan, to minimize or shut down any recording, filming or photography of their actions. They knew they were engaging in violent and illegal activities, and wanted to stop both the media and police from recording the proceedings, which can be used as evidence in a prosecution,” Chu said.

The Taiwan Media Workers’ Union condemned the violence at the protest and urged media companies to protect their journalists.

“The job of journalists is to record what happened. Protesters should not be targeting them,” union vice president Wang Yen-chieh (王燕杰) said.



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